





办公电话: 0991-8762096




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1997.9 - 2001.7 中国农业大学果树系,学士

2001.9 - 2006.6中国农业大学生物学院,遗传学 博士

2006.11 - 2008.12 澳大利亚墨尔本大学, Research Fellow,从事大豆开花转变期关键基因的克隆和转基因研究

2009.1 - 2010.1 美国北卡州立大学, Postdoctoral research associate

2010.2 – 2011.12美国北卡州立大学, Research associate,从事多年生黑麦草抗旱分子育种研究

2011.12- 中国农业大学草业科学系,副教授

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1.京市自然科学基金,类胡萝卜素双加氧酶 MsCCD4a 调控紫花苜蓿耐旱性的功能及分子机制研究,2024.01.01-2026.12.3,主持,在研。




5.北京市自然科学基金 2019/01/01-2021/12/3MsSPL12基因调控紫花苜蓿耐旱的生理及分子机制,6192011,主持,主持,结题。


7.北京市教育委员会共建项目,转QQS基因提高紫花苜蓿品质的分子机理,2016/01/01-2016/12/31, 主持,结题。

8.大北农青年学者研究计划,过表达rstB基因提高紫花苜蓿耐盐性的机理,2016/01/01-2017/12/31, 主持,结题。

9.国家自然科学基金面上项目,过表达microRNA319提高多年生黑麦草高温耐受性的机理,2015/01/01-2018/12/31, 参加,结题。

10.国家“863”计划项目,2012AA101801,边际土地能源草分子育种与新种质创制,2012/01/01–2015/12/31, 参加,,结题。

11.中央高校基本科研业务费 “引进人才基金”,2012RC001,肌醇影响单子叶植物农杆菌转化效率的分子解析,2012/01/01–2014/12/31,主持,结题。




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1.Lin Shiwen, Yang Jie, Liu Yanrong, Zhang Wanjun*MsSPL12 is a positive regulator in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) salt tolerance. Plant Cell Reports (2024) 43:101 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00299-024-03175-1

2.Xu Mingzhi, Xu Zhenpeng, Liu Yanrong, Liu Yaling, Liu Jinghui* and Wanjun Zhang*Transcriptome Analysis Reveals the Vital Role of ABA Plays in Drought Tolerance of the ABA-Insensitive Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Agronomy 2024, 14, 406.   https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy14030406

3.Wang Kexin ,Yan Jianing,Tanvir Rezwan, Li Ling, Liu Yanrong* , Zhang Wanjun*.Improved forage quality and biomass yield of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) by Arabidopsis QQS orphan gene. Current Plant BiologySep.35-36, 2023, 100295. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpb.2023.100295

4.Zhang Mingxiao , Qin Shangqian , Yan Jianping , Li Lin, Xu Mingzhi , Liu Yanrong* and Zhang Wanjun*. Genome-wide identifcation and analysis of TCP family genes in Medicago sativa reveal their critical roles in Na+/K+ homeostasis. BMC Plant Biology (2023) 23:301. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-023-04318-4

5.Yan Jianping , Qiu Rumeng ,Wang Kexin , Liu Yanrong , Zhang Wanjun. Enhancing alfalfa resistance to Spodoptera herbivory by sequestering microRNA396 expression, Plant Cell Reports, 2023 Jan. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00299-023-02993-z.

6.陈筱冉,严建萍,仇如梦,刘燕蓉,张万军. miR396-MsGRFs参与调控紫花苜蓿愈伤组织再生, 草地学报,2022, 30, 112240-2247

7.Zhang H. , Jia S., Zhang M., Wang K., Teng F., Liu Y., Zhang W.*, Deciphering the  regulatory network of miR156 in plant architecture and abiotic stress resistance of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) by transcriptome sequencing, Industrial Crops & Products 189 (2022) 115828. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2022.115828

8.陈筱冉,张铭笑,严建萍, 刘燕蓉, 张万军. 紫花苜蓿CCD4基因克隆及耐盐功能鉴定, 草地学报,202230102492-2500

9.Liu Y., Jiang D., YanJ., Wang K., Lin S., Zhang W.*, ABA-insensitivity of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) during seed germination associated with plant drought tolerance, Environ. and Exp. Bot. Sep. 2022. 203:105069, DOI: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2022.105069

10.Huang K., Liu Y., Shi Y., Tian J., Shi T., Peng H.*, Tian X., Zhang W.*, Wang K.*Overexpression of TaMBF1c improves thermo-tolerance of perennial ryegrassScientia Horticulturae2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2021.110812

11.Qin S., Liu Y., Yan J., Lin S., Zhang W.*, Wang B.* An optimized tobacco hairy root induction system for functional analysis of nicotine biosynthesis-related genes. Agronomy. 2022; 12(2):348. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12020348

12.Taier G., Hang N., Shi T., Liu Y., Ye W., Zhang W.,* and Wang K.* Ectopic Expression of Os-miR408 Improves Thermo-Tolerance of Perennial Ryegrass. Agronomy 2021, 11, 1930. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11101930

13.Wang K., Liu Y., Teng F., Cen H., Yan J., Lin S., Li D., Zhang W.* 2021 Heterogeneous expression of Osa-MIR156bc increases abiotic stress resistance and forage quality of alfalfa. The Crop Journal, 9,1135–1144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2020.11.009  (202110月刊登)

14.Liu Y., Yan J., Wang K., Li D., Yang R., Luo H., Zhang W.* ; MiR396-GRF module associates with switchgrass biomass yield and feedstock quality. Plant biotechnology journal, 2021, 19,1523–1536  10.1111/pbi.13567.

15.Cen H., Liu Y., Li D., Wang K., Zhang W.* Heterologous expression of a chimeric gene, OsDST-SRDX, enhanced salt tolerance of transgenic switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.)Plant Cell Reports, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s00299-020-02526-y

16.Liu Y., Yan J., Wang K., Li D., Han Y., Zhang W.* Heteroexpression of Osa-miR319b improved switchgrass biomass yield and feedstock quality by repression of PvPCF5, Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2020, 13:56, DOI: 10.1186/s13068-020-01693-0 (20213月刊登)

17.Liu, Y., Li, D., Yan, J., Wang, K., Luo, H., & Zhang, W.*. MiR319-mediated ethylene biosynthesis, signaling and salt stress response in switchgrass. Plant biotechnology journal. 2019. Nov. 17 (12): 2370-2383. https://doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13154 IF 8.154

18.Li, P., Liu, Y., Tan, W., Chen, J., Zhu, M., Lv, Y., Liu, Y., Yu, S., Zhang W.* & Cai, H. *. Brittle Culm 1 Encodes a COBRA-Like Protein Involved in Secondary Cell Wall Cellulose Biosynthesis in Sorghum. Plant and Cell Physiology. 2019, 4: 788–801 IF 4.76

19.Yan J., Liu Y., Wang K., Li D., Hu Q*, Zhang W.* Overexpression of OsPIL1 enhanced   biomass  yield and saccharification efficiency in switchgrass, Plant Science, 2018, 276:143-151. IF 3.802

20.Liu Y., Li D., Wang K., Yan J., Zhang W.* Enhanced Cold Tolerance and Tillering in Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) by Heterologous Expression of Osa-miR393a Plant & Cell Physiology 2017.12.06 58 : 2226~2240(12) IF 4.817

21. Liu Y., Cen H., Yan J., Zhang Y., Zhang W.* Inside out: high-efficiency plant regenerationand Agrobacterium-mediatedtransformation of upland and lowland switchgrass cultivars, Plant Cell Reports 2015 61099~1108 IF 3.08

22. Wang K.*, Liu Y., Tian J., Huang K., Shi T., Dai X., Zhang W.* Transcriptional Profiling and Identification of Heat-Responsive Genes in Perennial Ryegrass by RNA-Sequencing. Frontiers in Plant Science 2017.6.21 8 IF 4.225

23.Cen H., Ye W., Liu Y., Li D., Wang K., Zhang W.* Overexpression of a Chimeric Gene, OsDST-SRDX, Improved Salt tolerance of Perennial Ryegrass. Scientific Reports 2016.6.2 6 IF 5.525

24. Ye W., Ren W., Kong L., Wang T.*, Zhang W.* Transcr iptomic Profiling Analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana Treated with Exogenous Myo-Inositol. PLosONE 2016.9.7 11(9)

25. 刘燕蓉, 张万军* 农杆菌介导的柳枝稷遗传转化体系的优化,中国农业科学, 2016, 49(1): 80~89

26. Patel M., Milla-Lewis S., Templet K., Dewey R.E, Zhang W., Qu R.. Overexpression of ubiquitin-like LpHUB1 gene confers drought tolerance in perennial ryegrass. Plant Biotechnology Journal 2015 6 13(5) 689~699 IF 6.28

27. Zhang W., Wang T. Enhanced salt tolerance of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) by rstB gene transformation. Plant Science 2015.5 234 : 110~118. IF 4.11

28. Zhang W.*, Dewey R.E., Boss W., Phillippy B.Q., Qu R.. Enhanced Agrobacterium-mediated transformation efficiencies in monocot cells is associated with attenuated defense responses. Plant  Molecular Biology 2013.2 81(3): 273~286 IF 4.224

29. Zhang W.J., Yang S., Jin Y., Shen X., Wang T. (2009) The salt-tolerance gene rstB can be used as a selectable marker in plant genetic transformation. Mol Breeding 23: 269–277. DOI 10.1007/s11032-008-9231-1, 2008.

30.Sun B., Zhang W.J., Dong J., Jin Y., Wang T. (2006) Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration from Mature Seeds of Bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.). Forestry Studies in China, 8 (4): 25-29. Zhang W.J., Dong J., Liang B., Jin Y., Wang T. (2006) Highly-efficient embryogenesis and

31.plant regeneration of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) from mature-seed drived culli, In Vitro Cellular and Development Biology - Plant; 2006, 42, 2, 114-118.

32. Dong J., Liang B., Jin Y., Zhang W.J., Wang T. (2005) Oral immunization with pBSVP6-transgenic alfalfa protects mice against rotavirus infection, Virology, 339, 153-163.

33. Zhang W.J., Wang T. Cytohistochemical determination of calcium deposition in plant cellsBio-protocol2016-Jan.20,Vol.6. https://bio-protocol.org/pdf/Bio-protocol1709.pdf

34. 李娟,张万军*,王涛,黄花苜蓿高频植株再生体系建立的研究, 草地学报, 201422,4:834-839.

35. 刘燕蓉,张万军*,不同生态型的11个柳枝稷品种组培反应评价,草地学报,2014,223):579-585

36.张万军,李天红,靳永胜,王涛,高羊茅植株再生体系的建立及其影响因子分析,农业生物技术学报,2004, 12,(2):157161 张万军,王涛,多年生黑麦草组织培养与植株再生研究;“草地学报”,2003113219-222

37. 张万军,王涛,紫花苜蓿愈伤成苗高频再生体系的建立及其影响因子的研究,“中国农业科学” 20023512):1579-1583 

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1.张万军;刘燕蓉;林士雯,紫花苜蓿MsSPL12蛋白及其相关生物材料与它们在提高植物抗逆性中的应用(专利号:ZL 202110986548.8,授权公告日:20230922日, 授权公告号:CN 113666993 B

2.张万军,刘燕蓉,严建萍,调控PvGRF9含量或活性的物质在调控植物茎生长发育中的应用。(专利号:201910428947.5 授权通告日:2020/10/12


4.张万军、叶文兴、刘燕蓉,一种组织细胞核酸提取低温研磨盒 (专利号:ZL201320635849.7)。授权通告日:2014.5.21

5.王涛,张万军,一种紫花苜蓿组织培养及其高效遗传转化的分子育种方法(专利号:200310102540.2;授权通告日: 2006/9/13


7.Wanjun Zhang, Ralph Dewey, Rongda Qu. Methods and compositions for enhanced Agrobacterium-mediated transformation Efficiency.Publication date: 2013-04-11; Patent application number: 20130091606Online access: http://www.faqs.org/patents/app/20130091606

8.PvNAC1 increases biomass and enhances salt tolerance by decreasing Na  accumulation and promoting ROS scavenging in switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), Plant Science, 2019, 10.1016/j.plantsci.2018.11.007

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亚欧博览会·教育国际论坛,国际会议报告: Research progress in forage biotechnology breeding of China202391日,乌鲁木齐。

中国苜蓿生物学大会, miR156靶基因MsSPL12调控苜蓿抗早耐盐的功能及分子机制,202375日,青岛。



Using an Arabidopsis orphan gene QQS improved forage quality of perennial ryegrass and alfalfathe 9th International Symposium on Molecular Breeding of Forage and Turf (MBFT2016), LanzhouMBFT

Posters and Abstracts:

严建萍,刘燕蓉,张万军*,植物碱基编辑器(CBE)定点突变紫花苜蓿MsALS2全国植物基因编辑技术与应用专题研讨会,2020,扬州, 9.25-27

Zhang WJ, Wang T.Improved Salt-tolerance and nodulation of transgenic alfalfa by a putative glycosyltransferase gene-rstB. P19070: Plant Biology 2011, Minneapolis, Aug. 6-10.

Zhang W.J., Wang T., Enhanced rstB expression in tobacco by codon bias modification. Abstract Number: P-205. SIVB & IAPB 2010 at St. Louis

Zhang W.J., Prem Bhalla and Mohan Singh, Stable expression analysis of floral transition genes in transgenic soybean plants with an optimized Agrobacterium-mediated transformation protocol, 2009.9 NC PMB retreat.

Zhang W.J., Bhalla P. and Singh M., Optimized Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of soybean and expression analysis of floral transition genes in transgenic plants. Abstract Number: 1448300. In Vitro Cellular and Development Biology - Plant; 2009